Tech Support Scam
How this scam works
You get a phone call, pop-up, blue screen error, or email telling you there’s a problem with your computer. Scammers use scare tactics to trick you into paying for worthless technical support services or products. They often ask for payments by wire transfers or gift cards.
You received a pop-up tech support message about an issue with your computer urging you to call the listed toll-free number. This is a scam. Do not follow any prompts or click any links. It could download malware to your computer.
TIP: If you received this kind of pop-up, it’s a scam. Proceed with caution, close the window or ask someone you trust for help.
Phone Calls
Tech support scammers may call and claiming they work for a major tech company such as Microsoft or Apple. They’ll say there is a problem with your computer and will need remote access to your computer to pretend to run a diagnostic test.
TIP: If you received an unsolicited phone call about an issue with your computer, it’s a scam. Hang up.