Cybercrime costs trillions in losses globally every year. Most cybercrime can be avoided if necessary precautions are taken. We at PROJECT MIGHT primary focus on fighting fraud and scams which impact millions annually. We provide free resources and articles to help those who are at most risk. There are four aspects to fighting online fraud.


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The most effective method of fighting scams is by spreading awareness

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Improve international security standards and protocols across all industries

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Help law enforcement partners detect patterns of abuse and fraud

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Drive zero tolerance approach to fraud, scams and identity fraud


The most effective method of fighting scams is by spreading awareness on how to avoid falling for them. Scammers use sophisticated methods of deception to steal money from people. By understanding how scams work, you’ll be better prepared. Most fraud victims are the elderly. We use social media campaigns, radio ads, newspaper postings, working with elderly care facilities and provide free materials to help spread awareness.


Fraudsters really on weaknesses in technology to help them steal money. By strengthening our technological infrastructure we make it much more difficult for scammers. We work with banks and private institutions and advice on utilizing newer and stronger technologies.


Law enforcement agencies around the world are working hard to fight fraud. It’s best to reports acts of fraud as this helps catch and stop the perpetuators. You can find out on how to report more here https://reportfraud.ftc.gov


Most scammers reside in countries that are often difficult for law enforcement to work in. Reporting fraud allows legislators to work on better policies to fight international frauds.